#define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 1 // Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights. #define USE_COLORMATRIX 0 // Color Matrix : Allows color modification using a user-defined color matrix.

#define USE_MONOCHROME 0 // Monochrome : Monochrome makes the colors disappear. #define USE_DPX 0 // Cineon DPX : Should make the image look like it's been converted to DXP Cineon - basically it's another movie-like look similar to technicolor. #define USE_TECHNICOLOR 0 // TECHNICOLOR : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process (Techicolor Process 4)

Use Curves instead if you want to avoid that. This increases contrast but causes clipping. #define USE_LEVELS 0 // Levels : Sets a new black and white point. #define USE_LUMASHARPEN 1 // LumaSharpen : Sharpens the image. #define USE_HDR 1 // HDR : Not actual HDR - It just tries to mimic an HDR look (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_BLOOM 0 // Bloom : Makes bright lights bleed their light into their surroundings (relatively high performance cost) #define USE_PIXELART_CRT 0 // PixelArt CRT : Scanlines for pixel art (high performance cost) #define USE_ADVANCED_CRT 0 // Advanced CRT : Simulates an old CRT TV display. #define USE_CA 0 // Chromatic Aberration : Mimics the look of a cheap camera lens, by distorting the colors. #define USE_EXPLOSION 0 // Explosion : Scatters the pixels, making the image look fuzzy. #define USE_FXAA 0 // FXAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the FXAA technique. #define USE_SMAA 1 // SMAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the SMAA technique. #define USE_CARTOON 0 // Cartoon : "Toon"s the image. #define USE_ASCII 0 // Ascii : Converts the image to Ascii-art. Effects are listed in the order that they are applied.